Maple-chipotle sweet potato and tempeh hash
An easy, delicious, and cheap plant-based breakfast with plenty of protein
March 14, 2024
An easy, delicious, and cheap plant-based breakfast with plenty of protein
This protein-packed sandwich filling gets its punch from a splash of pickle brine
When you’ve got more eggs than you can scramble, keep your eye on this dairy-free pie
Freezer rice makes this Indian rice dish a no-fuss affair
TVP stands in for ground meat in this Mean Girls inspired take on a sloppy Joe
An adaptable dairy-free sauce makes tofu Buffalo 'wings' or salad sing
Cream cheese filling is key, so we put 6 dairy-free brandds to the test
These marinated mollusks are a dinner party go-to
Silken tofu is the secret to a creamy sauce without the cream
Move over quinoa: It’s time to consider this unsung source of plant protein